Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Assignment 9-B
The Collapsus experiment was definitely different from anything else I have seen before.  It took me a while before I understood what was even going on, but when I did I found the concept very interesting.  Still I didn’t really like it for several reasons.  The main reason is that I found the experience to be way too hectic.  All of the fast flash animation combined with the intense music and moving screens on both sides was too much to handle.  The movement of narratives really didn’t make sense to me and I felt that they should have focused one either the story or the factual information and not tried to combine them.  I found it difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction, and even when I knew something was true I felt that the fictional context that they were placing it in was biased to their opinions.  This is normal with traditional art forms but when you’re using real life statistics and facts to do this I feel like it is manipulative.  Also I found the voice acting and narration to be very unconvincing and the whole world that they created to just be sensational but not enjoyable.  I have never really had trans-media experience before this class, and I found that it really doesn’t appeal to me.  I am definitely fonder of traditional media forms, although I do multitask with different media which could be seen as somewhat similar to the environment Collapsus is trying to create.  I think the idea of trans-media is very interesting and I can see why people are exploring it as an option, but personally I do not think I could ever see that catching on as the new phase in media development.  I think that just because we have the ability to combine several different forms of media doesn’t mean that it is a good idea to do so.  While moving through different forms of media can be entertaining, traditional forms of media exist so that we can take in an artists work as they want it.  With this type of media I feel like the one thing it will ultimately accomplish is reducing our attention spans so that we don’t take the time to appreciate traditional media any longer.  I think that perhaps someone could design something that uses similar trans-media concepts but works much better, but even still I believe that traditional media forms will always be preferred.

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